Monday, October 7, 2019

A Diligent Gardener

Because of his great love, he ordained us, so that we would be seen as holy in his eyes with an unstained innocence. - Ephesians 1:4b | The Passion Translation
Made in His image.  A royal priesthood.  This was His doing before the foundations were laid.  Who are we to believe different?  I think one of the issues can lie within this world's tainted reflection; we stare at it long and hard and we begin to think we are marked by it, so we conform to a false image of self.  We interact with life events and they attach themselves to us, because we don't know better to refuse them, and we become what we are not.  What we were never supposed to be.  I am unloveable because this happened...I am rejectable because that happened.  The lies seep in and take root in our personalities.  How absurd when you pause to think about it.  That our identities have become shaped by lies?  That was not how the story began.

So, to know our true self, we must know our Creator first.  We must decide to lay down what we believed and begin with Him.  What do you say because I'm not sure that I know anymore?  He says we are made in delightful, unabashed love: ..."For it was always in his perfect plan to adopt us as his delightful children..." I've not found enough words created by man to describe this love.  I believe in its transforming power.  I believe we've only scratched the surface of experiencing its depth.  Oh, what it can do!  Let us be known by Him, by the love of the Father.  Let us be known by it!  And let this cleansing love uproot the muck and mire that has stayed far too long.  Where's the garbage pail?  We must diligently plant the right things and then water this soil for an overflowing harvest to be shared and distributed.
How can we exuberantly live and give from depleted soil?  Sowing is a deliberate practice that often requires an honest shift in priorities.  We do have the time, dear ones.  As our bodies live off of physical food, so our hearts and minds must drink and feed off of His love.  No time to diet here.  We are the beloved. 

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